The Future of Surgery: Pakistani Surgeon Leads the Way in Robotic Technology 

The Future of Surgery: Pakistani Surgeon Leads the Way in Robotic Technology 

Dr. Amer Raza is leading the way in Da Vinci’s robotic surgery for endometriosis. He oversees a group of surgeons at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London and has recently completed a significant number of complicated gynecological operations.

Dr. Raza is well known for his surgical prowess and has won accolades from all around the world. He is the founder and director of the CCMIG Chelsea Centre for minimal access surgery as well as the director of the International Centre of Endometriosis at Cromwell Hospital in London.

The doctor and his team have created a robotics strategy to boost effectiveness and enable quicker, safer, and more accurate surgeries. His discovery has been hailed as a breakthrough for women with endometriosis, which can result in persistent discomfort, exhaustion, and fertility issues.

Preoperative planning, robotic surgical procedures, and postoperative discharge are all included in the care paradigm that Dr. Raza and his team have developed. Compared to conventional laparoscopic techniques, they have been able to complete surgeries more quickly using robotic technology, saving 30 to 50 minutes for every procedure. Patients have seen less blood loss and quicker recovery times due to robotics.

To offer robotic technology and assist women in need, Dr. Raza intends to collaborate with physicians and hospitals in Pakistan. According to the website of the World Health Organization (WHO), endometriosis affects one in ten women globally and has major side effects such as problems with the intestines and ureter.


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