Instagram New Feature | New AI feature Instagram | Chat With AI

Instagram New Feature | New AI feature Instagram | Chat With AI

AI chatbots are gaining more and more popularity, and it seems that Instagram is following suit. According to Alessandro Paluzzi, a reverse engineer, there are indications that the platform is working on an AI chatbot that resembles those found on other social media platforms.

As per the information and screenshots shared, which were reported by ZDNet, it appears that this chatbot has been developed with the purpose of offering answers and giving advice. Furthermore, users may potentially have the choice to select from a diverse range of approximately 30 personalities.

For those who face difficulties in composing messages, this chatbot could prove to be especially advantageous. Additionally, it appears that users will have the capability to engage the chatbot in ongoing conversations by mentioning it using the “@” symbol.

The specific AI tools that Instagram would utilize to enable its chatbots remain uncertain.

Although Meta has not made any formal announcements regarding the integration of chatbots on its platforms, such a feature would be consistent with the company’s previous statements about its AI ambitions. In February, CEO Mark Zuckerberg discussed Meta’s ongoing work on AI personas aimed at aiding people in different ways. He also expressed Meta’s interest in exploring methods to make these bots available through text conversations, akin to the chat features found in WhatsApp and Messenger.

Consequently, it is reasonable to anticipate the eventual presence of comparable chatbots on WhatsApp and Messenger, although there is currently no information available regarding such developments. While Instagram has not responded to a comment request, it is evident that an AI chatbot is being developed and will likely be announced in the near future How will this impact the social media industry? The emergence of AI chatbots is expected to have a significant impact on the social media landscape. For example, it could provide Instagram users with opportunities for interacting with brands that they otherwise would have had difficulty reaching through conventional means.

Additionally, users may be able to access information from these bots that would otherwise not be available without their help, such as providing directions and answering questions about products or services.

This is a significant development, as it marks the first time that an AI chatbot has been integrated into a major social media platform. While many people are familiar with chatbots from other contexts, such as customer service queries on websites or apps, integrating them into social media platforms is a new development. As such, Instagram’s decision may signal a shift in how people interact with technology and one another online.


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