Naila Kiani – First Pakistani Woman to Conquer Nanga Parbat

Naila Kiani – First Pakistani Woman to Conquer Nanga Parbat

Pakistani climber Naila Kiani achieved a remarkable feat by reaching the top of Nanga Parbat, becoming the first woman from Pakistan to do so. She accomplished this historic milestone on Sunday.

Naila Kiani joined a team of around 40 climbers, consisting of both local and foreign adventurers, who undertook the daunting task of conquering Nanga Parbat, a mountain notorious for its dangerous conditions and high number of fatalities, earning it the nickname “Killer Mountain.

Nanga Parbat, rising to a majestic height of 8,126 meters, poses a challenging and hazardous climb, filled with dangers like unstable glaciers, avalanches, and unpredictable weather conditions.

In the group of climbers, two notable Pakistani climbers, Wajidullah Nagar and Samina Baig, stood out, demonstrating exceptional skills and determination throughout the expedition.

The Secretary of the Alpine Club of Pakistan, Karrar Haidri, confirmed Naila Kiani’s incredible achievement, announcing, “Today, on July 2, 2023, at 10:18 am, Naila Kiani successfully reached the magnificent summit of Nanga Parbat, becoming the first Pakistani woman to conquer this challenging peak.”

He added, “With this remarkable accomplishment, Naila has now conquered seven out of the world’s towering 8,000-meter peaks, establishing herself as one of the most talented climbers of our time.

Her impressive achievements include scaling the renowned Mount Everest, the formidable K2, the commanding Lhotse, the treacherous Annapurna, and the elusive G1 and G2.”

BeGreen-Naila Kiani - First Pakistani Woman to Conquer Nanga Parbat
BeGreen-Naila Kiani – First Pakistani Woman to Conquer Nanga Parbat

Naila Kiani’s unwavering determination, unmatched skills, and unyielding spirit serve as a great source of inspiration for mountaineers and adventure enthusiasts worldwide.

She exemplifies how individuals can overcome seemingly impossible challenges through perseverance and courage.

It is important to mention that previously, the esteemed Pakistani mountaineer Sajid Sadpara achieved the summit of Nanga Parbat without using supplementary oxygen or the assistance of sherpas.

It is important to mention that previously, the esteemed Pakistani mountaineer Sajid Sadpara achieved the summit of Nanga Parbat without using supplementary oxygen or the assistance of sherpas. This accomplishment further highlights the incredible achievements of Pakistani climbers on the world’s most formidable peaks.

This accomplishment further highlights the incredible achievements of Pakistani climbers on the world’s most formidable peaks.

Published by BeGreen, July 3rd, 2023


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